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It’s ideal for removal of small and mid-sized trees where you need smooth and efficient cuts. Designed for professionally oriented users who want a lightweight, high performance rear-handle chainsaw, this saw delivers all the benefits of battery power without compromising cutting performance. Recommended batteries: BLi300, or backpack batteries.
Financing available for major purchases! (Items with serial numbers) Learn more…
All prices, descriptions, and specifications subject to change without notice. Items may not be exactly as illustrated.
Contact the Lawnmower Hospital today for more information or to make a purchase.
With the smart Husqvarna Connect app, you’ll have easy access to helpful tips, manuals and spare part recommendations. For your connected Bluetooth equipment, the app also provides additional information such as runtime and charging status as well as maintenance and service needs. The app can be downloaded, free of charge, from App Store or Google Play. Not yet available on all markets.
High chain speed for fast, smooth cutting
No refilling of fuel, less parts to serve and an electronically controlled drive system means less downtime and low operation costs.
This battery-powered Husqvarna machine fulfils the IPX4 classification for rain resistance. This makes it a long-lasting and reliable tool that can be used all year round in all weather conditions.
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