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Features an intuitive keypad for safe, convenient starting, while the inertia chain brake ensures trouble-free handling. Brushless motor with savE™ mode for reliable performance and longer running time, no direct emissions, while low noise levels allow you to work in residential areas without disturbing the neighbours.
Financing available for major purchases! (Items with serial numbers) Learn more…
All prices, descriptions, and specifications subject to change without notice. Items may not be exactly as illustrated.
Contact the Lawnmower Hospital today for more information or to make a purchase.
Choose between normal or savE™ mode, depending on conditions, for maximum power or maximum runtime. Either way, you’ll always get a perfect result.
High torque to weight ratio for increased efficiency, increased reliability, reduced noise and longer product-life.
Quick and easy chain tensioning and assembling of the bar and the chain without using any tools.
The flip-up tank cap is easy to open.
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