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This battery-powered chainsaw features a 15% lighter weight* and a balanced, pass-through battery design for easier handling and more comfortable use. While boost mode can deliver an extra 25% power when needed. All Husqvarna battery tools feature proprietary active cooling technology to deliver more consistent power and extend battery life.
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Contact the Lawnmower Hospital today for more information or to make a purchase.
For easier handling and less fatigue *Compared to leading competitor’s 14" battery handheld chainsaw with 56V, 2.5Ah battery.
Provides consistent power and longer battery life
Delivers 25% more power when you need it
Pass-through battery keeps tool balanced for more comfortable use
Able to be used in all Husqvarna battery tools, our lithium-ion batteries are durable, easy to swap and recharge quickly
Quickly and easily adjust the chain without tools
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