Due to the uncertainty of these times and the fluctuation of the Canadian/US exchange rate, please note that until further notice the prices listed on our website may not reflect the most current price. Please contact our sales staff for more information or assistance in getting you the latest pricing and information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
( 2 reviews)
Husqvarna Extended Warranty
With Husqvarna’s pre-mixed fuel, you can extend your warranty from the standard 2 years up to a 5 year warranty by buying 96 fluid oz. (2839 ml) of the fuel at the time of your purchase of select handheld products. Ask a sales rep for details.More Details
Financing available for major purchases! (Items with serial numbers) Learn more…
All prices, descriptions, and specifications subject to change without notice. Items may not be exactly as illustrated.
Contact the Lawnmower Hospital today for more information or to make a purchase.
Side-mounted chain tensioner makes chain adjustment quick and easy.
Centrifugal air cleaning system for reduced wear and longer operating time between filter cleanings.
Facilitates cleaning and replacement of the air filter.
Adjustable oil pump makes it easy to set the chain lubrication according to your needs.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Recommends this Product? Yes
Great saw I highly recommend it
Had mine for about two years now, not a single problem, great saw!
From the Lawnmower Hospital:Good afternoon Thank you so much for your review Our Husqvarna saws are outstanding and we are very happy to hear yours has stood the test of time Thank you Scott
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Husqvarna 390xpg
Bought my 390 10 years ago and love it! I do professional tree removal and falling. Running a 30 inch bar on it and has all kinds of power. A beautiful saw and always reliable. I highly recommend this saw! Willie’s Contracting Rocky Mountain House Alberta
From the Lawnmower Hospital:Thank you very much for your review on the Husqvarna Saw your time is much appreciated !! Scott Sales Manager
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