Due to the uncertainty of these times and the fluctuation of the Canadian/US exchange rate, please note that until further notice the prices listed on our website may not reflect the most current price. Please contact our sales staff for more information or assistance in getting you the latest pricing and information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
ST1520S 15" Trimmer POWERLOAD™ $259.00 – $379.00
ST1511S 15" Trimmer POWERLOAD™ $229.00 – $319.00
ST1611T 16" Trimmer POWER+ $379.00
ST1623T 16" Trimmer LINE IQ™ $299.00 – $449.00
MHC1502 Multi Tool Trimmer & Edger Kit $629.00
ME0801 Multi Tool Edger Kit $469.00
MST1501 Multi Tool Trimmer Kit $549.00
MPS1001 Multi Tool Pole Saw Kit $309.00 – $499.00
MST1603 16" Trimmer $499.00
MST1704 17" Trimmer POWER+ $549.00
PH1400 Multi Tool Power Head $199.00
PH1420 Carbon Fiber Multi Tool Power Head $229.00
BMH1000 Multi Tool Bag $182.99
STA1500 Trimmer Attachment $179.00
STA1600 Trimmer Attachment $199.00
EA0800 Edger Attachment $21.99 – $179.00
EA0820 Edger Attachment $199.00
HTA2000 Hedgetrimmer Attachment $279.00
HTA2020 Hedgetrimmer Attachment $329.00
RBA2100 Rubber Broom Attachment $369.00
BBA2100 Bristle Brush Attachment $299.00
DA1400 14" Detatcher $299.00
PSA1000 Pole Saw Attachment $27.99 – $219.00
PAS1020 $229.00
CTA9500 Cultivator Attachment $279.00
SSA1200 12" Snow Shovel $259.00
EP7500 Extension Attachment $85.99 – $99.00
ACB9500 Blades for CTA9500 $129.99
AH3800 For STX3800 $44.99
ABT3800 For STX3800 $6.99
AH1520 For ST1520 and ST1520S $67.99
AP1500 Trimmer Strap $32.99
AH1530 For ST1500F/SF $49.99
AH1531 For ST1530 & STA1500 $49.99
AH1300 For ST1500/S $31.99
AL2450S 15" Trimmers $29.99
ALP2420P 15" Trimmers $19.99
EGO Commercial