Due to the uncertainty of these times and the fluctuation of the Canadian/US exchange rate, please note that until further notice the prices listed on our website may not reflect the most current price. Please contact our sales staff for more information or assistance in getting you the latest pricing and information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
220iL Battery $289.99 – $419.99
320iL Battery $249.99 – $419.99
520iLX Trimmer Straight Shaft - Professional $429.99
325iLK Split Shaft $499.99
330iK Split Shaft $339.99
330iKL Split Shaft Trimmer $549.99
330iKE Split Shaft Edger $549.99
330iKP Split Shaft Pole Saw $599.99
525iLK Split Shaft $569.99
525iLST Battery $499.99
122C Homeowner Curved Shaft21.7 cc $249.99 Warranty Extension*
130C Homeowner Curved Shaft28 cc $279.99 Warranty Extension*
130L Homeowner Straight Shaft28 cc $329.99 Warranty Extension*
522L Pro Straight Shaft22.5 cc $489.99 Warranty Extension*
525L Pro Straight Shaft25.4 cc $529.99 Warranty Extension*
525LST Pro Straight Shaft25.4cc $519.99 Warranty Extension*
535LS Pro Straight Shaft36.4 cc $679.99 Warranty Extension*
535LST Pro Straight Shaft34.6 cc $689.99 Warranty Extension*
330LK Split Shaft28 cc $389.99 Warranty Extension*
525LK Split Shaft25.4cc $519.99 Warranty Extension*
535LK Split Shaft34.6cc $669.99 Warranty Extension*
HA200 Hedge Trimmer Attachment $399.99
HA860 Hedge Trimmer Attachment $429.99
HA322 $259.99
SR600-2 Sweeper Attachment $449.99
CA230 Tiller Attachment $299.99
EA850 Edger Attachment $169.99 – $309.99
PA310 $259.99
PAX1100 Pole Saw Attachment $299.99
BA101 Blower Attachment $199.99
BCA850 Brushcutter Attachment $189.99
BR600 Bristle Brush Attachment $449.99
DT600 Dethatcher Attachment $469.99
EX780 Extension $159.99
TA320 $169.99
TA850 Trimmer Attachment $159.99
RA850 Reciprocator Attachment $509.99
RA-V Reciprocator Attachment $449.99