Due to the uncertainty of these times and the fluctuation of the Canadian/US exchange rate, please note that until further notice the prices listed on our website may not reflect the most current price. Please contact our sales staff for more information or assistance in getting you the latest pricing and information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
230iB Battery Homeowner $309.99 – $419.99
350iB Battery Homeowner $299.99 – $499.99
340iBT Back Pack Battery Homeowner $569.99
550iBTX Back Pack Battery Professional $639.99 – $2,339.99
125B Hand Held Homeowner $299.99 Warranty Extension*
125BVX Hand Held Homeowner Vacuum $359.99 Warranty Extension*
525BX Hand Held Commercial $399.99 Warranty Extension*
150BT Back Pack50 cc $459.99 Warranty Extension*
350BT Back Pack50.2 cc $559.99 Warranty Extension*
560BTs Back Pack65.6 cc $709.99 Warranty Extension*
570BTs Back Pack65.6 cc $819.99 Warranty Extension*
580BTs Back Pack75.6 cc $879.99 Warranty Extension*